Not a poem, not quite an essay. This is more of a thought-sketch.
In all of human history you are unique, and you have not been here before. You are not perfect, but you are interesting and full of potential..
But the treasure that is you is not yours to keep. Give your you-ness to God. I know, right? Craziness. But watch what happens. He gives you Himself, and you are a better you. And what He gives, give THAT back. And He gives Himself and You give back a new, even better you. It's an adventure, wild and dangerous, this giving of yourself, of the you-ness that you know. You look down the road and you cannot see what you will be next.
Every now and then look back. You will see amazing stuff there, too. You will see that you have given up canned spam and received the finest steak.