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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It has been hot.... real hot. We have all had cabin fever. And have been cranky. Some days the little window air conditioner we have could barely keep up with itself let alone the room it was in. Outside has been worse. But lets not talk about unpleasant things.

Yesterday afternoon the rain came. I don't think that it has rained since June (I can be proven wrong on technicality, but it hasn't rained like it needs to rain.) Today, the coolness of the morning greeted us in such a way that I knew today would be a good day. Not to cool. And thank you God not to hot. Today has been a day for doing things.

However, I had an appointment to keep, well a morning one and then an afternoon one. I took my boys with me. Yup, a little disgruntled about the situation. So afterwards I surprised them by taking them to play and walk around the park and then to get sno cones. Its amazing how one day of great weather soothes the soul. Mends hurt feelings. In the same way reading His word does. I need to work on spending more time outside and with Him.

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