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Monday, November 22, 2004

Grace and Salt and Love

The face glanced in my direction. For a split second that has been etched in my mind, the pain and worry was apparent. The wrinkled forehead and sad eyes that met mine. I realized that although I did not know her troubles nor she mine, we shared the same facial expression. Darling Spouse and I were deep in a conversation on the ride home from church on Sunday, when we passed the lady and her companion. My heart immediately felt for her, and then I examined my own expression. Not much better. How was I supposed to shine forth Christ's love with such a painful and worried expression?

I see this look on people's faces more and more. Anxious, not knowing what the future holds. Fear of the unknown. The look of someone who does not know the heavenly Father, who deeply loves and cherishes us. Who does not know the Son who is this very minute in heaven preparing a room for us in a place that has no weeping, or fear. Who does not know the peace that comes with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Someone who doesn't know grace or mercy, or salvation. Why do we need to worry about our external trappings? Houses, cars, clothes..... Clothes?.... Why do you worry about these things? Does He not clothe the lilies of the field which are here today and frostbit tomorrow? Does He not cherish His children much more then lilies?

I feel the need to reach out to people. I want to share the Truth so they can be set free. But who would listen to me with my face just as worried as theirs? I need to fix my heart and mind on my eternal home and leave behind the pains and fears. They are not mine, I have given them away.

We are to speak with grace seasoned with salt and love. But what comes from the mouth is an outpouring of the heart. If my heart is wrapped up in the things of this world how can it? My thoughts need to be changed to thoughts of Grace and Salt and Love. I need to read and study and memorize the scriptures more and more. Thank you MamaLadyBug, for knowing what we need. : )



Anonymous said...

Good blog. For some real stress relief, a chance to let go of the worry and so forth, go to for their free MP3 subliminal program. It really works!

Anonymous said...

Stress, worry and so forth are sometimes a sign of the times. For a free MP3 that really helps release the presure and anxiety, go to Use their pull down menu under free downloads. Thanks for the blog.